A veneer is a thin laminate layer constructed to fit over the front surface of a tooth. It can be made from porcelain, ceramic or composite materials.
Veneers provide an aesthetic improvement of the appearance of teeth. They are especially used on anterior teeth to improve your smile by hiding imperfections.
Veneers are routinely used for:
– Teeth that are fractured or chipped.
– Teeth that are misaligned (crooked) as an alternative to orthodontics.
– Malformed teeth or irregular shaped teeth.
– Closing spacing between teeth.
– Discolouration caused by root fillings.
– Staining from medicines such as Tetracycline.
– Fluorosis due to to excessive flouride intake.
– Hiding large fillings/restorations.
– Shortened teeth due to wear.
Emax Veneers
We recommend Emax Veneers for the most superior aesthetics and durability.
While Porcelain Veneers involve minimal preparation, a new breed of Ceramic veneers are available here at Anchor Road Dental Practice. Made from ceramic lithium disilicate Emax veneers offer the best cosmetics and strength while involving even less tooth preparation.
How Are Veneers placed?
Once a treatment plan has been agreed, placement is carried out over two visits. The first appointment will involve any preparation of the tooth surfaces prior to having impressions taken. These are sent to the technician and if required temporary veneers are attached to the teeth.
On the second visit the newly manufactured laminates are tested for appearance and colour. The tooth surfaces are then conditioned to help with adhesion, and the veneers are cemented into place.
As with your own teeth we advise that oral hygiene be maintained. Your dentist may also advise that a biteguard is worn nocturnally (night-time) to protect the veneers from grinding habits. Veneers can last up to twenty years, with Emax lasting even longer.